Category Archives: Uncategorized

too needy

Are You “Too Needy?”

Are you “Too Needy?” What does this title even mean and is it accurate? “You’re too needy.”  “You expect too much.” “Your expectations are too high.” “Why are you acting like that?” “You’re overreacting!” If you have ever dated, most likely you have been told at one point directly (or have been given an indirect message) that you are being “too needy.” Although our society predominately attaches this label more toward women .

Purposeful Pumpkin

The Purposeful Pumpkin : A Metaphor About Vulnerability We aren’t very different from jack-o-laterns, you know. Similarly, we all started off growing naturally in the fields… Some of us big and round, others long and slender.  Some become rotten, barely holding onto their wilted roots… while others grow strong and innately shine confidence. When it becomes the right time, we are precisely chosen by one who appreciates our little quirks and uniqueness… .