Category Archives: Anxiety


Why Do I Feel Guilty all the Time?

Why Do I Feel Guilty all the Time? | Here’s our hunch and what you can do about it Do you often question, “Why do I feel guilty all the time?” Feeling guilty is a common issue we support our clients with. It seems “feeling bad” about something can be the result that comes up in any aspect of our lives and can often drive a person to feeling shameful, depressed and/or .

Why Does My Partner Need Space?

Why Does My Partner Need Space? Written by Alysha Jeney, MA, LMFT Owner of Modern Love Counseling and Co-Founder of The Modern Love Box If you have found yourself disheartened with the question, “Why does my partner need space when we argue?” this article may be just what you need in order to build more understanding. Most couples find themselves at times in an repeated conflictual cycle that gets easily activated .

Examples of Power Struggles in a Relationship

Examples of Power Struggles in a Relationship | How to Tell if You Are Butting Heads to Gain Control (and why?) Awe… the honeymoon phase. Isn’t it bliss?  There are seemingly no “real” struggles in the honeymoon phase, right? Just fun dates and lots of sex. There’s no arguing about who loads the dishwasher, or picks up the check(s). No one is frustrated about always initiating sex or what to eat for dinner. .

How to Support Your Partner with Anxiety

How to Support Your Partner with Anxiety : 5 Things to Try If you’ve never struggled with anxiety, anxiety attacks, panic or excessive worry, than it may be challenging for you to know how to support your partner when they do. Being someone that has had GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder) for most of my life, it can be challenging to feel understood. Even having an ability to understand GAD from a .

Couples Counseling Denver

Couples Counseling Denver : Top 5 Reasons Couples are Seeking Counseling Services in 2022  Sometimes, seeking couples counseling in Denver may feel like the last resort. Maybe it’s the investment; maybe it’s the fear of what drudging up past issues will do to your relationship; maybe it’s the fear of the unknown. All of these concerns are valid and completely common. Couples Counseling, along with traditional Individual Counseling, isn’t always a .

How to Stop Stress and Anxiety From Triggering Past Trauma : 5 Tips

How to stop stress and anxiety from getting out of hand and triggering past trauma : 5 Tips | Co-written by Arrezo Azimzadeh, BA, Psych, Behavioral Therapist & Owner of Wish Upon Arrezo Stop stress and anxiety: Have you ever noticed your hands getting sweaty on a first date or felt your heart pound during an exam? Well, then you are aware that you can feel stress/anxiety from both your mind .

Relationship Red Flags : What makes a relationship “toxic?”

Relationship Red Flags: How do you know if your relationship is toxic? Watch for these red flags.  As many of you know, relationship red flags may be hard to identify. Because relationships by nature are hard and require a lot of work, you may ask yourself sometimes “is this really healthy?” We have all been there. It can be challenging to know how to identify what’s a “normal” amount of dysfunction .

How to Stay Calm During COVID19 Outbreak

8 Tips on How to Stay Calm During COVID19 Outbreak: Staying Grounded During Times of Social Isolation and Fear How to Stay Calm During COVID10 Outbreak | I’m not a scientist, a doctor or a politician; but what I am, is human. The threat of a new virus spreading throughout our planet is a terrifying reality. It has killed many people, as well as caused panic and hysteria for many others. .

Dating Someone with Borderline Personality Disorder : How to Identify the Symptoms

Dating someone with borderline personality disorder can sound really scary. Dating someone with borderline personality disorder can also sound really serious. Especially if you’ve never heard of a “personality disorder” in general or have any idea what it actually means. Mental health as a whole can be very nerve racking if we don’t have a full understanding of what is really going on. I write this blog specifically because the majority .
why does she keep bring up the past? Modern love Counseling in Denver

Why Does She Keep Bringing Up the Past?

Why Does She Keep Bringing Up the Past? 5 Reasons She Holds “Grudges” Written by Alysha Jeney, MA, LMFT Owner of Modern Love Counseling *It is important to note that although I am using specific gender identifications, I am not intentionally meaning to exclude or generalize behaviors unfairly based on someone’s preferred gender identification. This article is an example of themes I have heard in my experience as a couples therapist from heterosexual, cisgender couples. However, this content .