Category Archives: Conflict

Impacts of Childhood on Relationships

5 Ways Your Childhood Impacts Your Relationship(s)

5 Ways Your Childhood Impacts Your Relationship Maybe you know the ways your childhood impacts your relationship(s). Maybe you’ve never thought about it. As an Attachment Based Therapist, I see the impacts of bonds and relationships. From my perspective, strong bonds are what keep us grounded, feeling confident and secure in ourselves and our world around us. I believe, we all need and desire to feel safe and secure; this is what motivates .
why does she keep bring up the past? Modern love Counseling in Denver

Why Does She Keep Bringing Up the Past?

Why Does She Keep Bringing Up the Past? 5 Reasons She Holds “Grudges” Written by Alysha Jeney, MA, LMFT Owner of Modern Love Counseling *It is important to note that although I am using specific gender identifications, I am not intentionally meaning to exclude or generalize behaviors unfairly based on someone’s preferred gender identification. This article is an example of themes I have heard in my experience as a couples therapist from heterosexual, cisgender couples. However, this content .
too needy

Are You “Too Needy?”

Are you “Too Needy?” What does this title even mean and is it accurate? “You’re too needy.”  “You expect too much.” “Your expectations are too high.” “Why are you acting like that?” “You’re overreacting!” If you have ever dated, most likely you have been told at one point directly (or have been given an indirect message) that you are being “too needy.” Although our society predominately attaches this label more toward women .

Things You Don’t Realize You Do When You’re Feeling Rejected

Feeling Rejected or Criticized : How to Become More Self Aware and Empowered, Rather than Reactive and Isolated It’s inevitable, isn’t it? Feeling rejected or criticized. You may currently be feeling rejected by a romantic partner, although I am sure you can also relate to feeling rejected or criticized by a friend, mentor, teacher, employer, family member, parent, etc. We are complex creatures and our emotions, behaviors and thoughts/assumptions are extremely .

Are our Emotions Irrational or Logical?

Are our Emotions Irrational or Logical?  How denying yourself the right to feel is actually damaging your relationships and your overall sense of self. Are our emotions irrational or logical? Experiencing the conflict can be really difficult to navigate for some of us. I know exactly when it’s happening. My body starts to tighten, my heart immediately starts to beat faster and louder. I can sense an eruption slowly increasing through my .

What is really going on in our relationship?

Our Relationship’s Dance: The truth about why we argue. Being an attachment based therapist, I do believe there is a powerful connection to our childhoods and how we form relationships with others in our adulthood. In a sense, in times of conflict, we really do resort to child-like behaviors in an attempt to regulate our emotions and get security from others. When you find yourself struggling with understanding your partner, your .