Category Archives: Counseling

Men in Therapy

Men in Therapy: A Societal Judgement I personally despise the idea of men having to be “macho” at all times.  Societally, we put a lot on our men to be brave, strong, buff, responsible, rich, a provider, romantic, etc, etc. Personally, I appreciate and find nothing more intimate than when my partner opens up to me with raw emotions. I love his ability to trust me enough to expose his deep fears and .

A glimpse into my own journey : A tale of self discovery

Self Discovery. Love. Pain. (My) Journey. By being a therapist of the millennial generation, I know I have an interesting persona in comparison to other therapists. I am well aware of the stereotype, I myself, had created of what a therapist should look and act like before I became one… and I struggled for a long time with how to “play the part.” The obvious, I am seemingly young. Yes, it is true. .