Purposeful Pumpkin

The Purposeful Pumpkin : A Metaphor About Vulnerability

We aren’t very different from jack-o-laterns, you know.

Similarly, we all started off growing naturally in the fields… Some of us big and round, others long and slender.  Some become rotten, barely holding onto their wilted roots… while others grow strong and innately shine confidence.

When it becomes the right time, we are precisely chosen by one who appreciates our little quirks and uniqueness… from our fierce-looking exterior to our squishy insides.

We proudly leave our patch behind as we begin our scary (but exciting) new journey. Who knows where it will lead us.

We seem to not have a choice as to when and how we are carved or decorated, yet when the moment strikes we are unknowingly defenseless. Our stringy guts become exposed and all too often, only to be discarded. Sometimes our raw seeds are crushed and the severity of being fully open feels violating.

Our fate begins to feel permanent when the intense emotion engraved onto our thick skin becomes inescapable. What do I do now? I can’t go back… 

We evolved, we grew, and now we have changed.  For a moment we may not recognize ourselves propped up against a stone step, with open voids exposed, and a sensation of feeling half empty.

Soon, the emptiness of our cold, removed insides actually becomes enlightened with the beaming energy of a lit flame. It feels extremely reassuring and safe, and although pieces of us are literally missing, we ironically feel even more complete and purposeful.

By ridding ourselves of the complicated gunk that once stubbornly feasted on our valuable insides, we allowed ourselves to be seen in a completely different way.

We are now obvious with intention, claim and expose our internal prcoesses… all while passionately being soothed by the heat of the candle that now compassionately lies within us.

We’ve become a different version of ourselves… the jack-of-all-loving-traits.




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