All posts by Alysha Jeney

My Counseling Story : Being on the Other Side of the Therapist’s Chair

How Counseling Has Changed My Personal Life : A Therapist’s Story When I say, “I understand that it is difficult for a lot of us to reach out for support,” (especially in regards to our emotional intelligence and relationship insecurities), I personally mean it. I understand why, the topic of counseling can seem extremely uncomfortable and I definitely get the (false) perception of counseling representing pure “weakness.” I understand these things because I have .

Preventative Counseling… What is it?

Prevent the Superficial Cycle : Why Preventative Counseling is Helping I still think many people have the misconception that “couples counseling” is only for couples who are on the verge of separating; that “couples counseling” is really just a last resort that requires half-assed effort and little to show for. I am beyond excited to report that through my experience as a therapist specializing in modern day relationships, couples are voluntarily .

Self Esteem & Self Perceptions

Internal Conflicts & Self Esteem : Does being “privileged” impact how we see ourselves and express our emotions? Most of my clients come in with some kind of emotional regulation, confidence and/or relationship “issue.”  (Why? Well, who doesn’t struggle with these three things at times in their life?) Although these factors are extremely common, I have recently noticed a reoccurring theme with the specific clients who identify themselves as “privileged.” This adds a .

Are our Emotions Irrational or Logical?

Are our Emotions Irrational or Logical?  How denying yourself the right to feel is actually damaging your relationships and your overall sense of self. Are our emotions irrational or logical? Experiencing the conflict can be really difficult to navigate for some of us. I know exactly when it’s happening. My body starts to tighten, my heart immediately starts to beat faster and louder. I can sense an eruption slowly increasing through my .

Men in Therapy

Men in Therapy: A Societal Judgement I personally despise the idea of men having to be “macho” at all times.  Societally, we put a lot on our men to be brave, strong, buff, responsible, rich, a provider, romantic, etc, etc. Personally, I appreciate and find nothing more intimate than when my partner opens up to me with raw emotions. I love his ability to trust me enough to expose his deep fears and .

Daily Challenge to Finding Happiness Within Yourself

Daily Challenge for February 2015 : Find Happiness Within Yourself, Build Self-Awareness and Strengthen Your Relationships It’s often difficult to find happiness within ourselves and we can get stuck easily in a rigid cycle that feels unsatisfying. Looking for a daily challenge that allows you to practice mindfulness, reflection, self-compassion and helps you strengthen your relationships? February is the month of health and love, so what a better month to focus on both? .

What to Do About Sex Anxiety in a Relationship

Takeaway: Many people, regardless of age, sex/gender and relationship status can experience sex anxiety at some point(s) in their life. Maybe fear of sex or fear of performance is something you’ve experienced for years. Maybe you’re just noticing sex anxiety for the first time. This article can help address what sexual anxiety is, as well as common factors that contribute to anxiety during sex and what you can do about it. .

Intimacy in Relationships : What does it even mean?

Defining Love Languages and Intimacy in Relationships I find that most of us have differing definitions of what “intimacy in relationships” means. (Even the dictionary has up to 5 different definitions of intimacy!) I also believe most of us show or receive love (aka our “love language” coined by Gary Chapman, PhD) in different ways and a huge contributor is how we were shown love in our childhoods and our past .

The FOMO Effect

What is FOMO (or “fear of missing out”) doing to your relationship? I hate generalizing, so hopefully one reads this with a grain of salt. We have established that I am of the Millennial generation, so with that being said, I hope I have some credibility with how I see my fellow generation and our relationship flaws. Whether we want to take credit for this or not, I think my generation .

Purposeful Pumpkin

The Purposeful Pumpkin : A Metaphor About Vulnerability We aren’t very different from jack-o-laterns, you know. Similarly, we all started off growing naturally in the fields… Some of us big and round, others long and slender.  Some become rotten, barely holding onto their wilted roots… while others grow strong and innately shine confidence. When it becomes the right time, we are precisely chosen by one who appreciates our little quirks and uniqueness… .